Does Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizer Destroy Soil Carbon?
Here’s a repost of a thought proving article. Does Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizer Destroy Soil Carbon?
There’s a link for the entire article below. Ultimately, MUCH more research is needed in this area. Sustainable agriculture and sustainable farming techniques reduce the need for traditional fertilizers.
Additionally, the use of biofertilizers such as Trichoderma, beneficial bacteria and Mycorrhizal fungi can help grow healthier crops with less traditional fertilizers.
David writes: Does Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizer Destroy Soil Carbon? – THE SURVIVAL GARDENER “According to a recent article at Grist” While I can’t tell if David is being sarcastic about the recent part of the Grist article since it’s from 2010, I totally agree with what he says and quotes. Surface application of synthetic nitrogen […]
via Synthetic Fertilizer Disrupts the Carbon Cycle. — Permie Flix